Extreme Condition Welding

Underwater Welding:

Hyperbaric welding: is the process of welding at elevated pressures, normally underwater. This can take place in water or dry place under the water. Welding processes have become increasingly important in almost all manufacturing industries and for structural application. Although a large number of techniques are available for welding in atmosphere, many of these techniques cannot be applied in offshore and marine application where presence of water is of major concern. 

Image result for underwater weldingThe Average wage of an underwater welder is $26.32. The average salary per year is $54,750. A lot of workers don't take the chances of working in these conditions because it can be dangerous and could harm your well being. 

Image result for underwater welding


  1. Very interesting career. Looks fun but dangerous.

  2. Looks good and interesting i want to see more

  3. Seems like it could be a very interesting job, but you're putting yourself on the line.

  4. This is very interesting, my cousin recently graduated from Alfred and is considering this as a career choice.

  5. seems alright, i personally wouldn't do it though.

  6. I would love to learn more Jake. This seems very interesting!

  7. How can you weld underwater? Its fire and and fire can't work underwater. Fake job?

  8. This job seems really interesting to look into. Keep up the good posts.

  9. ABBY, so would i. im not a good swimmer


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